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1. Enter the average amount you want to profit per spin.

2. Know that with each win, you'll recover all previous losses, plus win your chosen proft when betting on red, or black for each spin.

3. Enter sample $ amounts to determine your bet limits.

4. Determine what % chances you want to have to win any number of spins. For example, if I want to have a 89% chance of winning, you'll need to bet up to 3 spins until you win. If you want to have a 95% chance of winnning, you'll need to bet up to 4 spins until II win. If you win early on, great! Rinse and keep repeating the same process from the begining.

5. Always know the bet amount needed to win your desired profit.

6. Enter sample $ amounts to determine the bet necessary to split the zeros & recover all previous losses, plus a profit when the ball lands on one of the zeros.

7. Keep track of which spin you're on at all times.

8. View total loss potential depending on which spin you're on.

9. Line up your chosen pattern with your betting board to always know what and how much you're betting on the next spin, until you win.

10. Choose your bet patterns from thousands of combinations.

11. Always know your futue moves needed fo the highest probability to win

12. Use the apps and our strategies to PREDICT the next winning color. To be dicussed in more detail after purchase.

13. Enter the details of your win, so you can check thae stats later

14. View the stats on how many times you've won for each amount of spins

15. View your potential profit when splitting the zeros for each spin, knowing you'll also recover all previous losses.

16. View how many patterns are available for each amount of spins you choose to play until you win.

17. View your maximum budget needed to win however many spins, based on your chosen profit strategies

18. View your % chances to win per number of spins you choose to bet until you win.

19. Win at a rate from 52% to 99%

20. Plus 20,000+ calculations to make 1,000 patterns and the app function properly


3. Use the apps and our strategies to PREDICT the next winning color. To be discussed in detail after purchase.[delay: 1.0s]

4. You’ll be able to enter sample $ amounts to determine your bet limits.[delay: 0.5s] This board is telling me that I will need one thousand, one hundred forty four dollars to guarantee me a 97+% chance to profit an average of $5 per spin betting until and through the 6th spin. [delay: 0.5s]The ONLY reason you need one thousand, one hundred forty four dollars is just in case you lose 5 spins and need to bet on the 6th spin.[delay: 1.0s]

5. You’ll know exactly how much to bet on each spin to profit whatever amounts you desire. [delay: 0.5s]Right here,[delay: 0.5s] I know that if I lose 3 spins,[delay: 0.5s] I’ll need to bet $113 on black or red and $12 to split the zeros to profit my average of $5 per spin.[delay: 0.5s] Imagine being able to know EXACTLY how much you’ll need to bring to the casino to play whatever strategy you decide on playing.[delay: 0.5s][delay: 0.5s]

6. View all winning statistics.[delay: 0.5s] You’d be able to enter data on which spin you won each bet to determine what the percentage of all your wins were won on the first, [delay: 0.5s]second, [delay: 0.5s]or third spin.[delay: 1.0s]

7. Know how many times you’ve won in 1, [delay: 0.5s]2,[delay: 0.5s] 3 [delay: 0.5s]& more spins[delay: 1.0s]

8. You’ll be able to view future profit and loss potential.[delay: 0.5s] Since I’ve committed to playing through 6 spins while attempting to profit an average of $5 per bet,[delay: 0.5s] I recognize that this will require $1,144.[delay: 0.5s] Since the electronic machines take about 1 minute to spin the wheel, [delay: 0.5s]pay all the winners,[delay: 0.5s] take losers money etc . . . ,[delay: 0.5s] I know that I could potentially earn $300 per hour betting to win $5 per minute.[delay: 0.5s] $5 times 60 minutes = $300

9. Enter specific bet amounts to split the zeros and achieve desired profits.[delay: 0.5s] Enter bet amount to split the zeros and recoup total of all losses.[delay: 1.0s]

10. You'll know all future moves needed to win.[delay: 0.5s] Based on the past results, [delay: 0.5s]we’re able to predict the next few winning colors with a high rate of accuracy.[delay: 1.0s]

11. Choose from thousands of pattern combinations to bet on.[delay: 0.5s] Have comfort in knowing that you have so many patterns to choose from. [delay: 0.5s]The more patterns you have to choose from,[delay: 0.5s] the better your odds are to win. [delay: 0.5s] VERY IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER that only 1 pattern can lose for any group of spins.[delay: 0.5s] Therefore,[delay: 0.5s] the more options you have,[delay: 0.5s] the better your chances to win.[delay: 1.0s]

12. Keep track of which spin you’re on so you’ll always know how much to bet on the next spin.[delay: 1.0s]

13. View your desired profit when splitting the zeros for each spin[delay: 1.0s]

14. View how many patterns are available for your chosen number of spins

until you win[delay: 1.0s]

15. Always know future bets needed for the highest probability to win[delay: 1.0s]


Could you have used features like these the last time you were at the table?  DEFINITELY.  Would you have experienced that big loss that all of us have if you had this app?  I can answer that for you too.  The answer is DEFINITELY NOT.  Because you would have been playing our 99% strategy.


I cant believe that this took 5 years to complete!  And even stranger than that, I stayed with it.  I never lost interest, because its just that exciting to have possibly conquered roulette.  I cant believe my strategy and app that I created specifically for this strategy are ready to be released to the public. 


This project consists of over 20,000 calculations and answers just about every question a roulette player could want to know, while playing, that could help him/her win.

Before I get into the what, where, who, how and so forth, I want to share a little info about me first. 

Afterwards, I'll show you how I use my 99% strategy and the app.  This is brand new data & statistics, that I doubt if you've ever seen in any app.   I promise you, you're not going to want to miss this!!

If you love roulette as much as I do, you're all in and always trying to find a way to win consistently.  Ive been playing for about 5 years winning a little, but losing a lot. 

I came to Youtube trying to find strategies that others thought up, thinking that they must be winning.  Unfortunately, they were all doing basically the same thing , which really aren't systems at all.  They all were betting $300 or more in most cases to win 15 to about $30 or so by putting chips on the board in pretty designs that always left a few numbers uncovered.  Id win about $15 few times, but when you lose that $300 or more in just 1 spin with no data or information informing me of how much I need to bet to win my money back, or what the statistics or percentages are that I could lose again.  Sometimes I rebet without a clue as to understanding my chances of winning just as Im sure a lot of you have also done.   I realized it made absolutely no sense to bet blindly like this, but I didn't know any better and didn't realize there was a better way to get what I needed. 

So I did something about it.  It took about 5 years to complete but I did it.  I created an app that tells me EVERYTHING I need to know to constantly win at roulette.  I studied how much you lose the more you split bets, the payouts, the black and red percentages of 50% chance to win vs the columns percentages of 33% chance to win, versus a single numbers chances of winning of 2.64%, and the various scenarios of betting and asked myself, what could I use at this point to change my luck.  What I realized is that we don't really need luck at all.  We need data, we need statistics, we need to know potential losses, potential profits, how can I win the amount that I want to win, how much money will be needed in TOTAL to play a specific strategy, how long will my money last, what's best to bet on next, etc...  What I discovered solves all these issues or answers all these questions and mostly, I proved that roulette is about 80 to 95% predictable.  

I took what I discovered and put it into a spreadsheet type app that I can open on my phone at the casino.  This will work on an Apple or Android with no problem.   Although phones are only allowed at the electronic games, info from the app can be written down and used at a live dealer table.   The app gives me all the info I could possibly need to help me know what I should bet on and how much, how much I could lose, how much I could win, my chances of winning vs losing, etc . . .

One important thing to visualize that will help you see roulette in a way that will help you see the possibilities of consistently winning is to look at roulette like we look at sports.  

Roulette is a game, just like football is a sport.  In roulette, the opponent is the house.  And the house wants to score on us.  It scores when the ball lands on a color that we didnt pick.  But we score when the ball lands on the color that we do pick.

Most people believe that each spin is separate and apart from the previous and you only have a 50% chance of winning from each separate spin.  I say false. 

Now let me show you why I say thats not true and your chances to win get a lot better after each additional spin. 

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